10 ways to use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural healing agent that is effective in treating many of our skin and hair-related issues, as well as cleaning and freshening the house! It smells great, too. Here are some ways you can use tea tree oil:

1. Acne treatment:
Tea tree oil is not just a great natural antiseptic, but also an anti-inflammatory that can help reduce redness and inflammation. It's often used in conjunction with other acne products like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help slow down the growth of bacteria that cause acne. You can also use tea tree oil on its own as a toner or spot treatment to clear up blemishes quickly. Tea tree oil has also been shown to be effective against other forms of skin inflammation, such as eczema and psoriasis.

2. Dandruff treatment:

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to treat dandruff, and it's safe to use all over your head. If you have dandruff, try:

Using tea tree oil as a shampoo. If you have dandruff and want to treat your scalp with tea tree oil, then go ahead and use it in place of any other shampoo you may already be using. Tea tree oil is very potent so it's important not to get too much on your hair or skin when washing off at the end of the shower—just apply a small amount to wet hair and massage gently into the scalp before rinsing off thoroughly with warm water (in case this wasn't clear from earlier instructions). This is best done twice daily until symptoms improve—you can use more often if needed (and remember not to let it sit on your skin for too long!).

Using tea tree oil as part of a hair mask/conditioner treatment. Another way that people with dandruff can use tea tree oil is by mixing some into their regular conditioner or even just using straight up liquid tea tree oil directly onto their dry scalp after washing their hair with another type of shampoo first so that there's no residue; this helps relieve itching while also killing bacteria that causes problems like plaque buildup which lead directly back down toward those flakes we talked about earlier!

3. Wound treatment:
Tea tree oil is beneficial for treating wounds, as it possesses antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Tea tree oil can be applied topically to treat cuts, scrapes, burns, bug bites and stings (including poison ivy), or diaper rash.

4. Household cleaner:
Tea tree oil is an all-purpose cleaner that can be used to clean everything from floors to countertops. It also happens to be one of the best natural cleaning agents around.

Tea tree oil is a powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral substance that works wonders when it comes to killing germs on surfaces in your home. You can use it as an all-purpose cleaner for just about anything: floors, countertops, sinks, toilets, mirrors and windows. Tea tree oil cleansers are especially great for kitchen sinks because they kill 99% of germs without leaving behind any residue or fragrance (which means there’s no lingering odor). If you want to make your own homemade tea tree oil cleaner but don’t want a big batch cluttering up your cupboard for months at a time, try making some DIY spray cleaners with vinegar. They're easy to make and last longer than straight up vinegar!

5. Fabric softener:
You can also add tea tree oil to your fabric softener. Just add 1 or 2 drops of the oil to a standard liquid fabric softener, or mix it with water and put it in the rinse cycle. For example, if you have a front-loading machine with an integrated dispenser for fabric softener (like many Samsung machines), simply place the required amount of liquid into your machine's soap compartment and run it as usual. Be sure not to overdo it: adding too much oil can make clothes smell funny.

6. Air freshener:
You can use tea tree oil to make an air freshener. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to water, then put the mixture into a spritz bottle. Spray around the room where you want to neutralize odors, such as in the bathroom or kitchen. The smell will be refreshing and pleasant but won’t kill bacteria in the air—just like regular air fresheners!

7. Oral health care:
Tea tree oil can be used to treat bad breath, mouth ulcers, canker sores and thrush.

Bad breath is a common problem that affects people of all ages and can range from mild halitosis (a less-than-pleasant smell) to more serious cases of halitosis that lead to embarrassment. The good news is that there are many ways you can treat your bad breath by using tea tree oil. To treat your bad breath with tea tree oil:

Add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil to a small bowl of water. Rinse your mouth out with it for 30 seconds or so before spitting it out; repeat several times per day until you see results.

Put 2 drops of tea tree essential oil on the tip of your finger and apply directly onto the gum line under your tongue three times per day until you see improvement in symptoms; continue applying as needed after this point if symptoms persist or begin again.*

8. Skin tags and moles:
If you need to use tea tree oil on your skin tags and moles, here’s how:

Apply the tea tree oil to the skin tag or mole with a Q-tip.

Wait for the area to dry, then apply another layer of tea tree oil over the first one. Wait for that layer to dry as well before applying more.

Repeat this process every day until your skin tag or mole has completely fallen off! Do not worry about it bleeding or causing irritation—this is normal as it means that your body is clearing away dead cells from that specific area in order for new ones (without tags/moles) can grow in their place instead!

Tea tree oil is a natural healing agent that is effective in treating many of our skin and hair-related issues, as well as cleaning and freshening the house!

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, fungicide and insecticide. It's also a remedy for acne, dandruff and wounds.

Tea tree oil is best used diluted with water (1:3 ratio) and applied topically to affected areas as needed. This can be done by either applying the tea tree oil directly to your skin or mixing it into a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil before application.


We hope that we have convinced you of the many uses for tea tree oil. It can be found in almost any household cleaning product, and it’s easy to find at any local drugstore or health food store (and online). If you try out some of these tips, let us know how they worked for you!

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