10 ways to fade sun tan naturally


I love going to the beach, but I hate the uneven tan that comes after. I don't want to be a pasty white, but I also don't want to look like a raccoon. Thankfully, there are many natural ways to fade your sun tan without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive treatments. Here are ten of my favorite methods for getting rid of your dark spots:

1.Aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that can help reduce inflammation, redness and itching. If you have sensitive skin, aloe vera gel can be used to treat sunburns. The gel is also good for acne-prone skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties and contains antibacterial agents.

For best results, apply aloe vera gel directly onto your skin after exposure to the sun or after washing off your makeup (which could cause dryness). You can also add some drops of pure aloe vera juice into your regular moisturizing lotion if you want extra hydration!

2.Lemon juice:

The citric acid in lemon juice can help fade a sunburn. To use, rub the juice of half a lemon on your skin for 30 seconds and rinse with cool water. Repeat up to 3 times a week until the burn fades.

3.Orange peel powder:

For those who want to go the natural route, orange peel powder is one of the best ways to fade a sun tan quickly. To make it, simply take fresh oranges and grate them into a bowl. Then add some water and stir until you have an even mixture. Once that's done, apply this mixture over your skin twice a day for about an hour at a time (or until your skin becomes red). You can also add this mixture underneath your clothes if you aren't comfortable with applying it on top of them! Orange peel powder offers many benefits including:

It's inexpensive and easy to find at any grocery store or online.

It helps remove dead skin cells which prevent pigmentation from occurring in the first place

It has anti-inflammatory properties so it will help reduce redness and irritation while fading your tan.

4.Yoghurt and tomato juice:

This remedy is very effective in fading tan. Just combine yoghurt and tomato juice, add some turmeric powder to it and apply on your body. Leave the mixture on your skin for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with water. Repeat this process everyday until you get the desired results.


Sandalwood is a natural astringent and helps to control oil production. It also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that are helpful in reducing redness and acne. Sandalwood has astringent properties which help it to tighten pores and reduce acne.

6.Oatmeal scrub with honey:

To prepare this scrub, you need to boil oatmeal and extract the water from it.

After that, you can add some honey to it and apply it on your skin by massaging gently in circular motions for 2-3 minutes (or as long as needed).

You can use this every night before going to sleep or during the day if you have time in between your work hours (it's better if done at night).

This particular scrub can be used up to twice a week (at least once) depending on how much sun tan you have; however, if you have sensitive skin then avoid using this more often than twice a week or else it might cause irritation and redness on your face which is not good for anyone!

7.Potato juice:

Use potato juice with lemon juice to get rid of your tan.

Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions and apply it on your face or body in the sun. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash off with water.

8.Rosewater and glycerine scrub:

Rosewater and glycerine are two natural ingredients that can be used to fade a sun tan. Rosewater is water infused with rose petals and glycerine is a moisturising substance derived from vegetable fats like palm oil or soybean oil. Both the ingredients have mild exfoliating properties and they can help you remove dead skin cells on your body after you have been exposed to harsh sunlight for long hours.

To make rosewater at home, simply take 50 grams of fresh petals of red roses or one teaspoon of dried ones in a glass container. Fill it up with red wine vinegar until it covers the petals completely and leave it overnight for fermentation (or about 12 hours). Strain off the liquid into another clean jar and use as needed by adding 5-6 tablespoons of this liquid whenever you apply your regular moisturiser. You may also add some essential oils like lavender, ylang ylang or geranium if desired but make sure they are not too strong before adding as they can cause irritation if used in excess amounts!

9.Cucumber juice and lemon juice:

Cucumber juice is a natural skin lightener that helps you reduce the darkening of your skin. On the other hand, lemon juice is known to reduce tan and it also makes your skin glow. Mix these two juices together in equal proportions and apply on your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.

10.Honey and cinnamon pack:

Honey is a natural moisturizer, and cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties.

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a pinch of turmeric powder.

Apply this to your face and neck, and leave it on for 10 minutes.


The sun is great for your health, but too much can cause damage.There are lots of things you can do to protect yourself from the sun.

Your skin will thank you!

I hope that you have enjoyed learning about the 10 natural ways to get rid of a sun tan. If you have any other tips that I did not include here, please let me know in the comments!

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